Financial terms
Artikel one:
Every case is treated by lawyer De Rouck in cooperation with a collaborator (acting as file manager) if the case is one of the preferred are of practise of that lawyer. The hourtly rate of Mter De Rouck is 105, 00 EUR (excl. TAV).
When it’s demanded that the case should be treated only by Mter De Rouck, the hourly rate of 120, 00 EUR will apply.
These rates are reduced if a young lawyer, with less than 3 years of experience, treats the case to an hourly rate between 65, 00 EUR (excl. VAT) and 80, 00 EUR (excl. VAT), depending the experience and length of service. The hourly rates of a lawyer with more than 3 years of experience varies from 75, 00 EUR (excl. VAT) and 90, 00 EUR (excl. VAT), depending the experience and length of service.
Special agreements can be made if the client submits several cases to the law firm.
Administrative processing by the secretariat, starting from five minutes, are billed at an hourly rate of 35, 00 EUR (excl. VAT).
Article two:
In specialized matters the base rates are augmented with 20, 00 EUR/hour. In complex and more specialized areas of practice, the base rate can be augmented with 40, 00/hour if there is a swift result.
The hourly rate can be multiplied with a coefficient of 1,3 due to a request of immediate treatment of the case (eg. Court-date, limitation, forfeited rights, …), and that need to be treated rightaway (same day or at the latest the next day). All of this can be specified and negotiated at the start of a case.
In absence of arrangement, these rates only apply to services that require advanced knowledge and skills, and that are considered that way in the Belgium legal profession.
When a case is treated in appeal, the increased rate in case of specialized matters and complex ares of practice only apply to the development of new arguments.
The rates can be multiplied with 1, 2 if the result is succesful, and with 0, 8 in case of a negative result. The meaning of a succesful or negative result can be determined at the start. The rules of Belgium legal profession apply in case of absence of arrangement.
Article three:
A provision of 150, 00 EUR (incl. VAT) is requested at the first appointment at the office. This will be brought into account when the case is discussed proficiently or when an advice is provided. If we proceed with the case, the provision will serve as advance, which is charged in accordoance with the higher mentioned rates.
Article four:
In case of an online consultation, we will provide the possibilities and expected costs, at least the applicable rate.
We will demand a payment in advance in case of an urgent request. You will receive a directional response within 48 hours after we’ve received the payment (if all the useful documents have been sent). You need to provide us with every useful document by uploaden them (or sending them in a mail of with the postal service).
It’s strongly suggested to hand in, by post or mail, as much information and documents (preferably sorted chronologically) prior to the appointment. It is very difficult to determine the cost of our services at the start of a case (consultancy excluded), because the costs are also defined by the interference of third parties. A case can be treated thorough or concise (to be determined in advance). Price-agreements can be made.
Article five:
There are two kind of cases, the online-cases for consultancy, and the classic cases (on paper and electronic).
In case of one time only consultancy no opening cost will be put in to account.
The costs and expenses will be billed as follows:
Opening cost40, 00 EURWord processing by secretariat10, 00 EUR/pageRegistered letter+ 10, 00 EURCopy/print bl-wh0, 50 EURScan bl-wh1, 25 EURCopy/scan/print color1, 50 EURAccounting2, 25 EUR/ transactionEmails/fax in/out1, 25 EURPhone call2, 50 EUR/unitOutgoing international phone call10, 00 EUR/15 minTravel expenses (per kilometer)0, 50 EURClosing and archiving40, 00 EUR
The legal costs (like court fees) are billed at actual cost.
Article six:
We request for payment periodically (three-monthly or six-monthly) and in regard of the intensity of service. Per termination of instance (first instance, appeal, …) an invoice is sent, including a summary of services provided and costs. The client can always demand a periodical bill.
The invoices are to be payed within one month. Late payment shall by law, and without notice of default, incur interest (at the legal rate). A compensation for late payment shall be owed of 10% of the amount invoiced, with a minimum of 500, 00 EUR.
In case of late payment the lawyer reserves the right to suspend service.