Robotics and AI
February 2019 – JIPLP/Grur.Int publications on the unique bond between AI and their creations
Florian De Rouck, associate in our firm’s Technology & Communications and Intellectual Property practice groups, has written an article discussing the unique bond between AI and their creations which has been selected for publication by Oxford’s Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) as well as Max Planck’s Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR) journal.
In this article, he argues that the current legal framework for data protection and ownership may be suboptimal for the (expected massive) flow of data arising from the use of robotics and AI. After noticing that the importance of data quality is often overlooked in existing data regimes, this article turns to the regime of international copyright law as a point of inspiration. Under the traditional copyright regime, the legislator has safeguarded the quality of a ‘work’ by granting moral rights granted to the ‘human author’. This article considers adopting comparable mechanisms to AI’s in order to fully seize data as the key economic asset of the future.
The full text of the article in the JIPLP is available on https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpz010, and in the GRUR on [TBD].