A Belgian lawfirm close to EU legislation | De Rouck Partners Piret (DRPP)
Discover Benelux, Issue 60, December 2018
"For our extra-long December issue we interviewed Flanders most eclectic spectacled writer Tom Lanoye. Also, we list the Beneluxs best luxury gifts and gourmet …
Robotics and AI
February 2019 – JIPLP/Grur.Int publications on the unique bond between AI and their creations
Florian De Rouck, associate in our firm’s Technology & Communications and Intellectual Property practice groups, has …
Beef products certified halal should not bearing the indication "organic farming"
On 24 september 2012 the administration in France takes mesures to end the advertising and marketing of minced beef patties, certifiied "halal" and bearing the "organic farming" indication for beefand …
The new inheritance law (part 1)
Since the amendment of the law has consequences for the reservate heirs who see their reserves shrink, you can, however, opt to have all donations made before September 1, 2018 …
New Inheritance law (part II)
Contribution is only available for donations to the children and grandchildren.
These are considered to be an advance on the inheritance.
This does not apply to the other …
B2B relations
Starting December 1st, unlawful clauses in relation between companies can be declared void, even with regard to existing contracts that are renewed, extended or adapted.
1. As in the most …